La Junta Hands-On History 5th Day Program Spring Friday Classes

  • Class
Woodruff Memorial Library: 522 Colorado Ave, La Junta, CO 81050, USA
Apr 12 2024
May 17 2024
Semester Tuition

No session left

  1. Mon 
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Join us at Woodruff Memorial Library for our Hands-On History Spring Friday Classes from April 12th-May 17th. Hands-On History provides safe, engaging learning opportunities for elementary school students on Fridays when kids are not in school.

Site Coordinator: Tamara Trujillo 

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 719-583-0453

Class Themes:

Art Adventures

Students will embark on a weekly adventure down art history lane, learning about a variety of historic and contemporary artists. Participants will explore new art techniques and experiment with different materials in a fun, creative and safe environment!



Journeys at the Junction:

Let's take a journey as we learn more about the history of La Junta, including the buildings, the people and the traditions. Every class will be unique as we explore our town, welcome guest speakers, and celebrate the beauty of our community!

Colorado Changemakers

Colorado has a rich history built on the lives of impactful and brilliant people. In this class campers will get to enjoy fun activities inspired by the extraordinary lives of famous women who changed Colorado's history, making Colorado what it is today.  


Fun and Fitness

"We like to move it, move it!" Join us as we participate in wellness activities that encourage movement and mindfulness. Students will be introduced to physical and emotional self regulation strategies through a variety of fun and engaging exercises and games.


**Note: The total estimated tuition will not reflect all of your qualifying discounts until a staff member has reviewed your registration and sent out a final invoice through a separate email. Your payment is not due at the time of registration.**


Class dates

04/12/2024, 04/19/2024, 04/26/2024, 05/03/2024, 05/10/2024, 05/17/2024


Participants must be entering grades 1 to 6.

Program enrollment capacity

Maximum: 30

Registration period

Registration starts on 03/18/2024 and ends on 04/26/2024.

In-person location

Woodruff Memorial Library: 522 Colorado Ave, La Junta, CO 81050, USA
Registration closed.