Fort Garland Hands-On History Spring Friday Classes 2025

  • Class
Fort Garland Museum & Cultural Center: 29477 CO-159, Fort Garland, CO 81133, USA
Jan 31 2025
Apr 25 2025
Semester Cost 4 spots left
$300.00 $175.00

For 7 remaining sessions $175.00

  1. Mon 
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri8:00 am - 4:00 pm
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Join us at the Fort Garland Museum & Cultural Center for our Hands-On History Spring Friday Classes from January 31st to April 25th. Hands-On History provides safe, engaging learning opportunities for elementary & middle school students on Fridays when kids are not in school.

Site Coordinator: Antonia Ortiz

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 719-379-3512 ext 14

Class Themes:

Class 1: History and Heritage

Join us as we tour the Fort Garland Museum and Cultural Center and travel back in time to explore the rich history of the San Luis Valley.  Courage, conflict, community, and adventure await you in the tales of the frontier of the past with History and Heritage!


Class 2: Let's Explore! Colorado National Parks and Monuments

Come explore the breathtaking beauty and wonder of Colorado’s National Parks and Monuments.  We’ll discover natural peaks, ancient ruins, and learn about the unique plants, animals, and geology that make these places so special.  Pack your curiosity and get ready to virtually hike along with us, are you ready?  Let’s Explore!


Class 3: Books Ahoy!

Get ready to sail away on a journey of imagination through books! Join our amazing librarian for a fun hour of storytelling, book chats, and creativity.


**Note about Class Schedules: Class will not be held on March 21st due to Spring Break*

Register today and receive automatic tuition assistance up to 70% off total tuition.

See Below for Tuition Assistance and opt in on the Tuition Section of the Registration form. Discounts will be applied by a staff member prior to your final invoice being sent out.

  • 10%- History Colorado Member or 4th Grade History Buffs
  • 10%- Early Bird Registration (automatically applied through December 6th)
  • 10%- Multiple Children Enrolled (automatically applied) 
  • 10%- Educator/First Responder/Military
  • 10%- Past Hands-on History Enrollment (must have enrolled in a past program in the last 6 months)
  • 20%- History Colorado Staff or Volunteer
  • 40%- For families that qualify for Free and Reduced Lunches

If you are or a family member work in agriculture or you have moved across school district lines in the last 3 years, you may qualify to attend for free. Please contact Antonia Ortiz ([email protected]) for more details.

**Note: The total estimated tuition will not reflect all of your qualifying discounts until a staff member has reviewed your registration and sent out a final invoice through a separate email. Your payment is not due at the time of registration.**

Contact Antonia Ortiz at 719-379-3512 or at [email protected] with additional questions.

Class dates

01/31/2025, 02/07/2025, 02/14/2025, 02/21/2025, 02/28/2025, 03/07/2025, 03/14/2025, 03/21/2025, 03/28/2025, 04/04/2025, 04/11/2025, 04/18/2025, 04/25/2025


Participants must be entering grades 1 to 7.

Program enrollment capacity

Maximum: 15

Registration period

Registration starts on 12/02/2024 and ends on 04/25/2025.

In-person location

Fort Garland Museum & Cultural Center: 29477 CO-159, Fort Garland, CO 81133, USA